Crestwood Ventures, LLC. and its subsidiaries have created this security and privacy statement in order to document and communicate its commitment to doing business with the highest ethical standards and appropriate internal controls.
We respect your privacy. Information you entrust to Crestwood Ventures, LLC. and its subsidiaries will be handled with the greatest care, and Crestwood Ventures, LLC. and its subsidiaries will not use the information in any way to which you have not consented or is not required by law.
This Privacy Policy applies to all Crestwood Ventures, LLC. and its subsidiaries’ owned web sites and domains.
Personal Information Gathering - We do not automatically collect personally identifiable information (PII) about our web site visitors. We may record the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the computer you are using, the browser software used, the operating systems used, and the websites from which our visitors link directly to our site. If applicable, we aggregate and use this information to determine how many visitors we have to different pages on our web site, to detect and correct system problems, and to improve the usability of our web site. This information is not connected to individual names or personal identities.
Explicit Information Gathering - You can examine our web site without providing any information whatsoever.
Covert Information Gathering - Our site does not covertly capture information regarding the specific activities of any particular user. We do not have any arrangements with any other sites to track or monitor user activities on the Web. We do not use cookies, web bugs, or any other active content mechanism to capture or maintain information about users without their prior consent. The only personal information that we capture has been specifically submitted to us for a user’s emailed request for information.
Opt-in Email Lists – We may use email lists that we have assembled from people who have indicated they want additional information about our services.
We may occasionally make changes to our privacy policy to reflect changes in legal and regulatory requirements, or as necessary as we upgrade or modify our technology, applications and service offerings. We recommend you visit our site to review our privacy policies occasionally.
If you have any specific questions or concerns about our privacy policy or practices please use the following contact information:
Crestwood Ventures, LLC.
316 Paseo Tesoro
Walnut, CA 91789